The Perfect Post Mix Drink

Have you tested your post mix system today?

We believe that you or a staff member should be the first person to have a drink from your post mix system every day before trade. Why? Because if the drinks aren’t  good enough for you, then they’re not good enough for your customers.

This is your best opportunity to make sure your system is operating correctly before trade.

Go on. Have a drink.

post mix drink being poured

If you are having problems pouring a high quality post mix drink, here are a few simple things to check that you are doing right.

1st. Always ensure your glass is clean, and has no glass cleaner soap residue build up.

2nd. Angle your glass to ensure you are pouring your drink down the inside wall of the glass. This can help prevent loss of carbonation and helps maintain the ‘fizz’,  producing a better finished drink.

3rd. Make sure you add clean ice. This will ensure your drink remains cold and carbonated for longer.

4th. Garnish to finish off the drink, if required.

5th. Enjoy!!

Quick, easy and simple ideas and reminders to help you serve the best quality post mix drinks from Refresh Beverage Systems postmix syrups and systems.

Feel free to get in contact with us any time if you would like us to help show your staff how to serve our post mix drinks more efficiently. We are more than happy to help.

You can contact us by phone on 0407 802 155 for our post mix products & services or email –